This is me and this is what I feel like with all this weight on me

Friday, July 30, 2010


Today has been a slow and boring day at work. Last nite I made some General Taos Chicken and white rice (Chinese) for dinner and I brought some leftovers with me to work for lunch. Today for dinner I am not sure what I will be making, but I think I am just going to make some hamburger helper. I know hamburger helper is not a good choice for me to eat but I think something simple tonite and the kiddies will enjoy it. Well not much to say for now I thought I would just write a quick note.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today I chose to get on the treadmill again today. I am not sure how good I am doing my foot but I do know I am doing some good on getting rid of the weight. My lil sister(in-law) had a baby girl yesterday, so that makes me once again a proud auntie. Next week we head up north to my neice's babyshower for my 2nd great-nephew I am very excited to see my family that day.

I am considering making a doctors appointment once again to have a complete check-up. I know the doctor said last time there was no medical issue that was not allowing me to lose any weight, but maybe a second opinion would be good. I have seriously tried before to lose weight and I have never had luck. Is it really the ways I have tried or is there something else? Have I really given it my all or have I just said I have given it my all? I really don't know anymore I just know that I do truely want to lose a great amount of weight and I would like to keep it off once and for all.

Well I am off of here for now....back to work and thoughts of what I will make for dinner tonite.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Well today I got on the treadmill for 10 minutes...I probably really should not have done it, but I figured today I since I had some tennis shoes on today and not the aircast I would give it a try. But I do regret that decision, now my ankle really hurts. I had a grilled chicken breast for lunch that was a sensible lunch. Tonite for dinner I am going to make some grilled pork chops and augrtin potatoes with some peas. Hopeing my husband is feeling good today after being on our roof all day. He is putting a complete new roof on our home. It is taking some time, but our home is over 100 years old and nothing is easy to repair in the home. We have already done alot of repairs and remodeling to the home, but it needs much much more. Well enough for now ---Julie

Sunday, July 25, 2010

7-25-10 #2

Well tonight for dinner I had grilled chicken breast wrapped in peppered bacon, green beans and boiled potatoes. I know the bacon part might not have been the best choice but I at least didn't fry something.

I would really like to start going to the gym again but until my ankle/leg is healed I can not. I sprained the ankle and lower leg and I have a break in the bone right where the leg and foot connects. I did this on June 21st and I go back to the doctors in August for the 2nd follow up appointment.

signing off for now -- Julie


This is my 1st posting to my own blog. I am not sure what will become of it, but I thought I would give it a try. I am hoping this gives me some accountablity for myself, knowing ppl r out there maybe reading this. I have tried off and on for over 10years to lose weight and no results yet. I can not say that I have always even really tried more than saying I was trying, but this time I really do want to lose weight. I am currently around 350lbs and I know it is not healthy at all. I would like to get right about 190lbs. That is what I was when I found out I was pregnant with my 1st child and that was 18 years ago this Sept. Well this is the end of my 1st blog.